
Reality is setting in. Acceptance letter received, slowly getting the cash together, starting a blog, planning, thinking spinning. I deffinitly cannot wait. 

Fall is marching on and I only have a month left of this semester. Soon winter will be here, and the whirlwind of packing and preparing will begin. I have lots to learn and plan before I go. I am torn between researching everything, and just jumping in blind. I believe I will need to find a balance. I need to research enough to get a lot out of the trip, but I will also need to relax and live in the moment. I cannot rush the experience by over-planning and being underwhelmed by the extraordinary.

I will learn to stop and smell the flowers. 

3 thoughts on “Acceptance

  1. Reality is only a perception of your mind. break that barrier and all the time in the world will become yours, as you will become time. Through that you will learn when it is right to smell the flowers, embrace the idea of life falling into place as it will. You may be rushed, you may be scattered, but all is as it is.


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